Hi Folks, we continue with our journey in Azure DevOps. Today, we will discuss the Azure Test Plan. Testing is a big deal in the software development process. The quality of the software comes from quality Azure Test Plan. This article will cover beginner guide for Azure Test Plan. In order to make it simple, we will separate some of technical detail in another post. So lets get started.
Before ...
Repository (a.k.a Repos) is the core of source code storage. Today, I want to show you how to choose and to manage your source codes in Azure Repos.
The need of Repository
Repository helps you to store the codes and collaborates with the others. There are two types of modern repository. The first type is centralized, the second type is distributed. SVN (Source Code Versioning), TFVC (Team Founda...
Today, I will show you how to create and manage requirements by using Azure Boards. Azure boards is the project management features for DevOps. You can manage your software requirements with the Azure Boards. Before start, you should:
Understand the concept of Agile or Formal process.
Visual Studio 2019 any version https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/
Azure DevOps http://dev.azure.com
The s...
So today, I want to show you how to use Azure Pipeline for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery through the Visual Studio 2019. In order to finish this guide you should have
Visual Studio 2019 any version https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/
Azure DevOps http://dev.azure.com
Azure Subscription https://azure.microsoft.com/
The services can be used for free. Just create an account a...
There are numerous ways to consume REST API in C#. Starting with HttpClient, WebClient, HTTPWebRequest and Third-Party API. On this post, I will show you how to consume REST API in an easy way with C#.
For this lab we use:
Visual Studio 2019 – http://visualstudio.com
Newton soft JSON - https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/
Rest sharp - http://restsharp.org/
Yes, is it. Microsoft Certified Professional is dead and replaced with the new model of certification. Starting April 2019, they introduce role-based certification. Role-based certification directly address the need of the certification in the work field. If in the past we start the MCP by learning through technology standpoint (i.e. Web, Desktop, Enterprise). today we start our journey of certifi...
On this video, we show you how to install the Visual Studio 2019 in elegant and modern way. The five tips show you how to minimize the problem in the installation. Here are the tips
Choose the installation package based on your needs (never install the entire package)
Always consider to visit the individual package to see your needs
Restart your Windows first and make sure the space is suffic...
Hello, this document consists of cheat sheet / workbook guide to analyse the user requirements with Agile or Formal Process.
Formal Process: Use case. Activity Diagram
Agile Process: user story, user tasks
You can download the document here
Workbook 2.pdf (99,40 kb)
After following the guide, you can document the user activity on your software and compare it with t...
On this video tutorial, i show you how to create Microsoft Flow without using template. This video shows you how to send a reminder email based on time schedule and create an approval to the manager.
Have question about Microsoft Flow? just drop your comments here
Regardless of the organization's need to make a profit. There is always a need for partnerships to improve existing businesses, partnerships are carried out through market development, bundling business collaboration, and technology integration. In this post, we will discuss how technology integration is part of the key to the success of industry 4.0. Today's technology integration has at least th...