Five Stability Principles on Windows

You want your windows is long lasting. Without reinstallation, refresh, or reformat. Fortunately, Windows 10 has built-in features that can help you to keep your operating system stable. Here are five stability principles that you should know: #1 use the built-in Windows Security Feature You should trust the built-in firewall, built-in anti-virus, device security, and others. You don't need to i... [More]

Windows 10 Mail Doesn’t Show You the Attachment

Problem You wake up in the morning. Turning on your notebook, opening an email through Windows 10 mail. A friend asked you to read the attachment. You replied to your friend that he left the attachment behind. He insisted that the attachment is already there. You do not believe it! Until you visit the webmail and find the attachment as clear as a glass. This happen mostly on Gmail. You already re... [More]

Recycling your PC in Windows 10

Either you are developer, it professional, and information worker. You might be found situation when you need to upgrade your laptop by recycling the old one and buy a new one. If you just plan to upgrade your PC, you can visit this link. This article discusses how to safely recycle your PC. Move your personal content to external hard drive. Please spare a time for one to five hours depending on... [More]

5 Tips to make sure your Windows 10 Virus Free

Although the current growth of viruses and computer threats are increasingly inaudible, that does not mean everything is fine. There is still a threat of a more virulent virus and is not detected by some Windows users. The good news, Windows 10 has a set of features that can save our data from the threat of viruses. Check out what we can do to secure it. Tips 1 – Activating Virus & Threats pr... [More]

7 Signs that You Need A New Laptop

Every year we see a new laptop model. Our hearts will certainly be interested in promising performance, new processors, more memory, to adequate graphics support for modern games. The real question is, is it time for us to replace our laptops with new laptops. Here are 7 signs that it's time we replace our laptops with new models.   #1 Battery is suck  One of the main things in a port... [More]

Solution Search Box is showing blank screen in Windows 10

Problem You want to search your files. Unfortunately, the search box display blank display. You already reset and restart windows search services but the problem still there. Possible Cause  This problem might be caused the Microsoft plan to improve the search experience and might be related with the Cortana shutdown ? Solution The solution for this problem is relative simple Please m... [More]

3 Steps to solve Windows 10 Random Errors

Symptom You find your windows 10 has random errors. From screen blinking, application crashing, slow response on opening application, and random crashing in startup or shutdown. Causes There are so many reasons to make the windows 10 unstable. It might be medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet... [More]

Five tips extending your battery in Windows 10

Hi There, If you are a mobile user, the battery is one of the essential things to make your work longer without plugging in. Today we will discuss short tips about how to make your battery longer. You can use these tips on your Windows 10. Adjusting Battery Saver Windows 10 has a good battery saver to make your battery life longer. There is four levels of the battery saver function in windows. ... [More]

Fastest Way to Update Your Windows 10

After looking for some way to update my Windows 10 to the latest version which is 1509 December 2018 update. I found several thinks that can make your Windows 10 updated so flawlessly. Here are three tips to make your Windows 10 update faster. It shows from the fastest one to the slowest one. I recommend you update your Windows for faster, more features, and secure. Tips 1. Downloading the Window... [More]

Five Things Before Upgrading Your PC

If this new year you want to upgrade your PC and recycle the old one. This post will guide you to prepare and to migrate your old PC into a new one. This is five  tips that you need to do before upgrading your PC. Tips 1. Sync Your Important FIle to the Cloud and Local  You should choose your cloud storage provider. For example, i choose to use OneDrive to store my personal photos and ... [More]

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