Effort Estimation in Azure Boards

One of the most challenging aspects of software development is estimating how much time and resources a project will require. Many factors can affect the accuracy of the estimates, such as the complexity of the requirements, the availability of the team members, the quality of the code, and the unpredictability of the environment. In this blog post, we will explore how Azure DevOps can help you cr... [More]

Five Queries that you should do for Project Management Report in Azure Boards

Reporting is a part of communication that you should do to the client. One way to report the progress of the project is by giving the client real world progress that done in Azure Boards. To do that we need to create queries that can be used to create the report that can be sent to the customer. On this article, I will share you the five queries that you can use for your sprint review as well as w... [More]

Agile Project Management in Azure Boards

Hello, today we will apply Agile Project Management in Azure Boards. This tutorial allows you to plan, create, manage, and track the software project by using Azure Boards. Azure boards are part of Azure DevOps. It can be obtained from dev.azure.com. The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to implement Agile Project Management in Azure Boards. For example, you need to create project propos... [More]

Is your IT career will look better in 2024?

Understand your semantic career  Information technology (IT) is a broad and diverse field that encompasses many aspects of computing, networking, security, data, and software development. IT professionals are in high demand in various sectors and industries, such as finance, health care, education, entertainment, and government. But how can you understand your IT career and make the most of it... [More]

How AI Helps Programming in Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a powerful and versatile integrated development environment (IDE) that supports multiple programming languages, platforms, and frameworks. However, even with such a rich set of tools and features, programming can still be challenging and time-consuming. That's why Visual Studio leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help programmers write better code faster and easier. AI can ... [More]

Monitoring project effectively with microsoft project

Microsoft Project is a powerful tool for project management, but it can also be challenging to use effectively. In this blog post, we will share some tips and best practices for monitoring your project progress, status, and performance with Microsoft Project. Define your project scope, schedule, and budget clearly and realistically. Before you start tracking your project, you need to have a clear... [More]

Analyzing Azure Boards in Excel

One of my collages asks me how to obtain azure board data to excel. On this article, we will obtain the azure board data in azure devops into the excel Certainly! Here are two approaches to extract data from Azure DevOps and get it into an Excel spreadsheet: 1.Using Azure DevOps Query and Export     - Step 1: Open your Azure DevOps project.     - Step 2: Create a query th... [More]

Five Tips Saving Cost in Azure VM

Azure virtual machines (VMs) are one of the most popular cloud computing services that allow you to run applications and workloads on-demand. However, running VMs can also incur significant costs if you are not careful about how you use them. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to save cost in Azure VMs without compromising performance or reliability. Tip 1: Choose the right VM size... [More]

Configuring GitHub Copilot Chat in Visual Studio 2022

.NET 8 is launching, and Visual Studio 2022 is also updating into 17.8 version. One of the most promising features in Visual Studio 2022 is the better support for GitHub Copilot Chat that in General Availability (aka stable). You can read the release notes here Visual Studio 2022 Release Notes | Microsoft Learn. There are two ways to use GitHub Copilot. The first one is using GitHub Copilot and th... [More]

Research Trend in Software Engineering 2024

Software engineering is a dynamic and exciting field that constantly evolves with new technologies, methodologies and challenges. In this blog post, I will share some of the latest research trends in software engineering that are shaping the future of software development and maintenance. AI and ML adoption in Software Engineering One of the most prominent research trends in software engineering... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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